"When we are able to love our enemies out there, it transforms US." ~Ron Van Dyke
I realized that whatever appeared as negative outside
was a mirror showing me the negativity within.
I decided to try an experiment. I would practice actively loving the outer negativity the way I have compassion for my own inner negativity. Instead of being afraid, I started to see the outer darkness as a child who was crying out for love.
I realized that loving an argumentative person, disarms him.
Loving a judgmental person opens his heart.
Loving an aggressive person can lead her to break down in tears.
Loving a malevolent entity often blows its "monster disguise", and reduces it's mystical power to a game of "pretend".
There are cases when one must command all the power of the heart in order to 'fight' negative forces. One must face the negativity.
Here's the power place. Look the person (or entity or energy) in the eye, while holding the full intensity of Truth and Light in the chest. Simply stay silent and allow the power of Love to transform both hearts, as it wills (your heart and theirs). Don't try to control. Don't preach or lecture. Say nothing. Just hold the power of Love, Light and Truth. Always, the power of the heart transforms something. And it's effect is more profound than you could ever find using force or effort.

This is the most powerful technology I have discovered yet for transforming darkness, and it's done without a lick of force nor fear.
The heart is built to be a transformer.
If we know how to use the technology of the Heart,
we can transmute fear into love - both 'out there' and 'in here'.
© Paige Bartholomew, 2019
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