Life is But a Dream...
by Paige Bartholomew
Is This Life a Dream? What if I introduced the idea to you that this life is about as real as the dream you had last night? Sit with that for a minute. What would it mean if you found out for certain that you were asleep in another dimension dreaming your current life? Would you spend so much energy worrying? Would you spend so much time working and sacrificing yourself? How would you do things differently if you knew for sure that this life was just a dream? Lucid Dreaming To achieve a lucid dream, one must make the intention before falling asleep that she will remain conscious during her dreams. There are many techniques to this end, and I encourage you to research and try them! Is it possible that LIFE IS A LUCID DREAM? |
What is Reality?
There are many levels of reality, actually. Right now you're living in third density Earth. You're asleep in fourth density - dreaming you're awake in third. If you were to wake up or become conscious of your fourth dimensional reality, suddenly, this world would feel very surreal - just like when you become conscious within a nighttime dream. Realizing who you are in your Awakened State makes this world seem like not such a big deal.
Take a Chill Pill
When we wake up to what's really going on here - we relax. That's why the yogis and gurus are always so chill and smiling. They SEE SOMETHING WE DON'T. What they see is that it's not really possible to make a mistake. You can't run out of time, and you can't mess up your mission. If you don't get something right in a dream, do you fret and freak out over it in the morning? No. It was just a dream. Gurus know that this life, too, is a dream and that there is no pressure or urgency. The lessons we're meant to learn will be learned whether we choose to stress out, or we choose to TRUST and relax. In fact, there's no stopping our soul's development. It's guaranteed.
The spiritual teachers of the world know that everything is ok. It always has been, and always will be. And because they RELAX, they get more of the insight, psychic knowings, intuitions, and all the fun stuff YOU are longing to experience but are too wound up to get.
There are many levels of reality, actually. Right now you're living in third density Earth. You're asleep in fourth density - dreaming you're awake in third. If you were to wake up or become conscious of your fourth dimensional reality, suddenly, this world would feel very surreal - just like when you become conscious within a nighttime dream. Realizing who you are in your Awakened State makes this world seem like not such a big deal.
Take a Chill Pill
When we wake up to what's really going on here - we relax. That's why the yogis and gurus are always so chill and smiling. They SEE SOMETHING WE DON'T. What they see is that it's not really possible to make a mistake. You can't run out of time, and you can't mess up your mission. If you don't get something right in a dream, do you fret and freak out over it in the morning? No. It was just a dream. Gurus know that this life, too, is a dream and that there is no pressure or urgency. The lessons we're meant to learn will be learned whether we choose to stress out, or we choose to TRUST and relax. In fact, there's no stopping our soul's development. It's guaranteed.
The spiritual teachers of the world know that everything is ok. It always has been, and always will be. And because they RELAX, they get more of the insight, psychic knowings, intuitions, and all the fun stuff YOU are longing to experience but are too wound up to get.
You are dreaming right now. Take a deep breath and relax. Enjoy the scenery. Take time to smell the flowers. Love your neighbor. Realize that you are eternal and you're creating this world moment by moment, as a place to remember truth vs falsehood. You're not here to judge your own progress, or be stressed and miserable all the time. You created this place so you could wake up and get hip to what's really going on. This place is a dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream. Your real self is still safely snuggled up at home with All That Is - because it never left there.
© Paige Bartholomew, 2024