Re-Mothering is On Hold
Due to Covid
Receiving is something we do with little grace. We are nervous that we may take too much, be too difficult, or be too clingy or needy. This process can correct these feelings of being afraid to receive. The feelings of being "too much" are born in childhood when survival told us that to GIVE was what would keep us alive. You deserve to be given to.
Re-Mothering Therapy is a special experience. It involves non-sexual touch of the head, hair, shoulders, arms and face in a nurturing, mothering way. Re-mothering Therapy is excellent for calming and soothing the wrecked nervous system from childhood abuse, or even learning to RECEIVE the all important bonding touch and grooming that we all need, but do not have access to in our society. It is an excellent way to gently treat trauma, separation anxiety, depression, generalized anxiety or racing thoughts.
How It Works:
We may begin with me firmly holding the top of your feet as we talk. As you feel comfortable, we might move on to sitting on the sofa together, holding a hand or touching a shoulder. Some women find that laying their head on a pillow in my lap is wonderful. However you feel comfortable, this form of touch therapy is soothing, and life changing.
Re-mothering Therapy is done in conjunction with your traditional counseling session. Your counseling session will be similar to what I normally provide, involving hypnotherapy, inner child work, attachment work - all done with a loving touch. We will pendulate back and forth between thought/feeling/word, to silence and sensation.
My Own Experience with Re-Mothering Therapy:
"I participated in Re-Mothering Therapy with my own therapist for a year, and I find that I feel much stronger inside. Separation anxiety is much less frightening and happens less frequently. I am able to handle stress better, and regulate my emotions more effectively. I don't feel that ancient 'aloneness' that haunted me for so long." ~ Paige Bartholomew
If you did NOT get the mothering or fathering you needed, or if you're not getting the touch-care you need from a primary attachment figure NOW... give yourself the gift of a re-mothering session.